Sunday, July 6, 2008

Catching up <3

Ok so my last post was about a million years ago!! Sorry!! Alot has happened since then...I got my roommate and the good news is that she seems really nice...I have done tons of shopping for my dorm room and somehow everything I bought turned out to be purple so I guess thats my theme...I went to orientation and I can describe it in two words-long & overwhelming. The first day was 12 hours long!!!....I picked my classes-Anthropology, History of the Human Species, History of Motion pictures, and Intro to hospitality management.....I went to Yellowstone National park and that vacation deserves its own post so that will be coming soon...and I am currently getting ready for my trip to San Francisco!! Yah!! The trip to San Fran is my graduation present from my wonderful mother!! I can't wait for China town..yummmm....So thats about it for now but I will have the post up about Yellowstone soon so check back! L3


rachel said...

wow! I haven't talked to you on here, in like forever!! i LOVE your new backround, and it sounds like college will be fun for you, not for me. you'll be gone! ): but you WILL come to visit! (: lol.

Joyce's Journey said...

I am so glad you are back in the blogging world!!!! We've missed you! I love your new layout!!! It's so nice to hear about your life this way!